OrangeGerbera offers a full range of organizational and development services for nonprofit businesses, including fundraising, marketing, strategic planning and implementation, business process improvement, and interim leadership.
Interim leadership, coaching & succession planning
Department building, staff recruitment & training
Fundraising strategy, implementation & optimization
Individual, major, corporate & foundation fundraising
Organizational productivity systems
Capital & special campaign fundraising
Transition planning & management
Facilitation, meetings & workshops
Strategic assessment, planning & implementation
Business process improvement
Not exactly sure what you need, but you know you need it?
Before you hire a consultant, make sure you’ve got the right fit.
Base your decision on how well you connect with them, their belief in your mission, and whether they can have a positive impact on your organization.
Work with people you believe in…
Who believe in your mission…
And who can positively impact your organization.
Let’s connect and get to know one another!